I am sure my friend Tom’s Sufis have a name for personal rhythm, but let me explain what I’m talking about. My day seems to go better when my day follows a regular pattern. I also notice that my rhythm quickly adjusts to different surroundings. For example, when I’m lucky enough to go to the beach, my body always wakes earlier without any conscious act on my part. I believe that the rhythm of the beach calls me to wake and come walk during the sunrise. Anyone who has raised children knows that when they get out of rhythm of naps or going to bed, you see an immediate negative reaction, and where you return a baby to a place that they are comfortable with and at a time they are familiar a child’s comfort is returned.
I say all this because I think we too often don’t pay attention to the harmony being in rhythm brings, and we allow too many people and events to invade. Perhaps you have adopted a rhythm at work, but someone schedules a meeting during a time you use for another purpose. Your day is thrown off and you become less productive. I know you can think of a thousand examples in your life, and I suggest you try to be more conscious of protecting your own rhythm, and more sensitive to others.
Finally, remember we are our own trinities. Thus we must be conscious of our physical rhythm, our mental rhythm, and just as importantly our spiritual rhythm. I suggest as you condition yourself to conscious of your rhythm and your own personal harmony, you not leave out the spiritual part of you. Ask yourself what can I do to find my rhythm spiritually. What can I do and where can I be for my spiritual self to be at home?
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