I love to listen to music and view art — all kinds, shapes, and sizes. I am however musically and artistically challenged. In the seventh grade at Memphis White Station you had to either take choir or be in the band. The respective teachers both asked that I be given a waiver. The most difficult class I had in all of electrical engineering was not Laser theory, Atomic Physics, or Differential equations but Drafting 1001. I have difficulty drawing a straight line with a T-square.
I do try to understand and practice personal harmony. Nothing but personal choice requires us to respond to someone else’s negative or false vibrations. We have the power to strike and hold any keynote at will. We need not come into another’s discord or be troubled that it exists. We are not responsible that our neighbor has no ear for personal harmony. It is only our personal notes that we are responsible for, making sure they ring true and clear.
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