Suzy bought some tulips, but she couldn’t get them to stand up straight in the vase. They kept chasing the light. New environmental homes rotate to take full advantage of the sun’s rays.
In our spiritual life, especially during Lent, rather than lamenting the loss of light — an awareness of God — we discipline ourselves to seek that light, to turn and change continually to seek God’s presence.
Every one of us faces difficult and dark times when it seems impossible to find the light. Enduring those times does not mean we are unfaithful; it simply means we are human. We all experience times when weakness, despair, or fear block the light. With prayer and the help of others we learn to turn and seek God wherever he is revealed. It might be in the face of a child, in the beauty or aromas of nature, or the comforting arms of a friend.
Like the environmental house that rotates the corners and crevices of our dwelling places — our existence — cannot receive the holy light without concerted and faithful efforts, to turn continually, toward it.
Lord, let every person we meet see that our hearts are turned to you.
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