Our editor, reincarnated from a previous life as great seal, has returned home for inspiration — a beach week with the thirteen year old philosophers, the Yingling three, and the New Orleans duo for inspiration. Sixteen all in one house ‘s during an entire day of thunderstorms taught him patience and perspective.
Little Rebecca’s first view of the ocean brought forth, “lots of water.” I saw in her eyes a little bit of terror, but it quickly turned to pure delight when that first wave brought forth foam to coat her feet. It reminded me that the ocean is a lot like life — it can be terrifying, but once you dive in, it can bring forth immense pleasure.
Young Alan took one look at the Ocean and shouted as he headed directly into a crashing wave, “This is going to the best day in my whole life.”
God gave us vast oceans for a lot of reasons, but perhaps one is so we can have beaches and the chance to experience for a moment what heaven is like.
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