And Jesus said to them, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. – Mark 1:16-18.
Mark is known for being very efficient in his writing. So today I paused over this passage and thought that perhaps those fishing nets mean more than they first appear. True the nets represented Simon and Andrew’s tools of trade, and I’ve always wondered why there is no discussion in the Bible about the families the disciples left behind. But, maybe the nets also symbolize the other entanglements that prevent us from following God and the path he has chosen for us.
Is it money, is it the past, is it image that keep us firmly entrenched? What are you currently be called to leave behind? During today’s meditation think about what it’s time to leave behind, to put away, to let go, so we can begin the journey we are each called to make. Pray to God for the strength to “leave your nets.”
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