This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalms 118:24
Why stand ye here all the day idle? – Matt. 20:6
At first glance the above passages seem at odds. But during our morning meditation shouldn’t we ask at the dawning of another blue day – Will we let it slip away? Thomas Carlyle wrote, “ Out of eternity this new day is born; Into eternity at night will return.” Begin your day with a celebration of prayer and meditation, but as you go forward don’t let small cares, deficiencies in schedule, frets of the heart, and worldly entanglements bind us so much that you are unable to give yourself up, in power and gladness, to the true work of life. Go forward each day with a pleasant spirit, unclouded energy, and a temperament free from negative thoughts. Arise, rejoice, and go to one’s Father for your day’s assignments.
My Mother’s favorite Biblical quote– best possible way to welcome each new day!!