I watched an old movie about Churchill last night, and it had a in it a fascinating discussion between FDR and Churchill about being, as Churchill described himself, a reluctant Christians. Churchill went on to say that there was nothing more wicked than to take away a man’s hope.
Almost every Sunday in the Episcopal church we pray that the “Hope of the poor” not be taken away. I don’t know enough about other faiths and hope( I need to write Tom about Sufis and hope) but I do know in the Christian faith hope is ever present.
I agree with Churchill that one of the cruelest thing one can do to a woman or a man is to take away all hope. We have all been there — the only thing left is that strand of hope and we cling to it with all our might.
As we meditate this week let’s consider how we can offer hope to someone in need of that most important thread, and may we all never lose hope ourselves.
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