Milestones. We all have them and I’ve had a bunch. Today my last child is to be married. All four were born, graduated from college, and now married. Some people congratulate you on reaching milestones, but I don’t see it as much as an accomplishment, but more of marker– A mark in the inevitable march of time.
A very long time ago, I was in the boy scouts and we learned to always carefully cover the burning coals of the campfire, so the next morning we could use the still warm coals to start the next day’s fire.
During Lent we begin our morning asking God to once again kindle the fire in us with his love. So our day begins with energy and illumination and guidance. Much like the morning campfire brings warmth, clarity, and preparedness to those who wake and are drawn to its comfort.
For me today arrives a melancholy marker whose passing brings emotions of intense joy and yes of loss. Most of life’s markers bring with them mixed emotions. Tomorrow begins a new march to the next mark whatever it may be, but my prayers today are answered with one word from God — Enjoy.
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