Thomas Wolfe said, “Telling the truth is a pretty hard thing.” That’s an understatement.
So often we fear telling the truth. We can get in trouble? Somebody might get mad. Bad things could happen.
It is fear that drives us away from telling the truth.
Telling the truth requires faith — Faith in your friends, faith in your family, faith in your fellow human beings.
God always knows the truth so if your faith in friends, family, and others is lacking, have faith in him.
I worry that telling the truth has gotten a bad wrap lately. It seems the consequences for telling the truth are greater than not.
My warning, that way of thinking is an example of short term thinking, that will have long term consequences.
It is better to suffer to short term consequences for telling the truth and receive long term reward in remaining truthful.
Didn’t someone say, What will it profit a man/woman to gain the whole world and lose one’s soul. Mark 16:26
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