On this day of Yom Kippur I had a wonderful meditation in mind to write about forgiveness. One of my favorite topics for the Pew.

Hundreds of Jewish men continue to pray at the conclusion of Yom Kippur services as they leave Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Yom Kippur is the day of atonement and the holiest day of the year in the Jewish faith
Yom Kippur NYC, New York, USA – 12 Oct 2016
Turns out God had other plans and a lesson to teach me today.
When I started my computer my browser wasn’t working. I couldn’t get access to the website that allows me to write and post The Hubbell Pew.
I googled the problem and tried what they suggested, went to YouTube for the fix, but it didn’t worked. I called Apple and believe it or not got right through to a nice lady who tried a few tricks of her own, to no avail. She then informed me that we would need to reload all the software on my Mac. That process would take over an hour, but she said I wouldn’t lose anything including the next Jack Patterson novel I am about to finish. I was doubtful, but she said don’t worry I’ll be right there with you, and she was. While I watched spinning balls and bars inch from one end to another she stayed with me as I watched my computer reload which is more boring than watching paint dry. Every time I thought the process was stuck, she urged patience in a calm voice. God, Brittany, and my Mac were teaching me a lesson — patience.
Today is the day of atonement, the day of forgiveness, but for me today was a lesson in patience and accepting that when the best laid plans go up in smoke, look for what there is to learn about the situation.
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