And the devil said to him, “… it will all be yours.” — Luke 4:6-7.
Is it the devil who promises us the moon? The advertisements, the politicians, the social media, our parents, or our teachers all promise the sky is the limit if we will only do as they want, much like the Devil who only asks of Jesus that he only, “Worship me!”
There is also a little bit of us who wants it all, who wants to believe the promises. They are hard to resist.
This is an age old dilemma beginning with Adam and Eve. Do we worship “It All,” or do we place our hopes and dreams with God. This is an hourly, daily, weekly struggle, and let’s not kid ourselves at our best we on occasion are seduced by the “dark side.”
I have found one trick that helps me in these situations. It is when I am seduced with a promise that “it will all be yours,” I know the seduction is false. For you see the one thing the Devil does not and can not offer Jesus or us is “God,” and without God “all” is really “nothing.”
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