I’m not going to suggest how you do it, nor am I going to suggest when or who you forgive, only that during Lent you select at least one person to forgive.
This is not a Lenten discipline, but it’s a good time. Make it a total forgiveness, no holding back, no need for the other person to acknowledge the harm they did, just a total, unabashed, no holds-barred forgiveness. Like unconditional love, make it an unconditional forgiveness.
A few days afterwards, write down how you feel. Send it to the Pew if you wish or keep it in a shoe box, but write it down.
When you pull it off, (notice I didn’t say if), when you pull it off, I am willing to bet you a dollar to a donut that you will feel great, unburdened, and relieved.
Forgiveness is the most undervalued of virtues, and perhaps one of the most important.
Good thoughts and ideas help us all to be better!