Deserve your dream — Octavio Paz.
In the movie Pretty Woman, a man wanders the streets shouting, “Its Hollywood, what’s your dream?” and in the movie Julie Roberts dream is fulfilled. I’m a big believer in dreams, not the sleep kind, but the aspirational kind. We should all have dreams. A little boy dreams of hitting a grand slam, a young woman dreams of kicking the winning goal, and even an old man dreams of writing the great American novel. We all have dreams and they do change with age and circumstances, but what is important is to never stop dreaming.
Octavio reminds us that there is another part of dreaming — to deserve our dreams. The young boy spends hours in the batting cage, the young girl practices bending like Beckham every afternoon, and an old man writes and rewrites.
Not all our dreams are fulfilled. The young boy strikes out, the young girl misses the kick, and the old man never finishes, but regardless they all dreamed and more importantly they deserved their dream.
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