Whether for you today marks the end of Lent, or the beginning of Easter, or both or neither, it is a Good Friday. Thank you all for traveling this year’s Lenten journey with the Pew, despite my health hiccups. I hope each of you feels refreshed, energized, and better prepared.
I offer one thought as we work toward the massive problems we face as a country and citizens of the world. In the United States, we are not bound to put in power leaders who are obsessed by power, greed, or blind ambition. I have often thought that so-called qualifications for leadership and office were misguided. Instead of asking if a candidate is rich, successful, super smart, or mean as a junk yard dog, we should search their soul. Do they care, have they failed and bounced back, is every action they take tempered by kindness and empathy? I could go on and on next time you step in a voting booth ask yourself, “Is this person good people?”
I know I am a Pollyanna, a dreamer, and an eternal optimist, but I also see “doing right” as the answer.
Again, enjoy these next few days, and then do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God!
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