He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. — Luke 1:53.
Today’s scripture is not my favorite. It is hard not to read it without thinking of what bothers me about modern politics. It seems we spend most of our political energy talking about what is wrong about the opposite side. We are to support one candidate, by being reminded what is wrong with his/her opponent. Political strategists engage in negative campaigning, pitting one race against another, the poor against the rich, the blue collar against the white collar, it goes on and on. Instead of promoting the good someone has done, we hear ten times more often why an opponent is at fault for everyone’s lot in life.
I apologize. It is easy to slip into politics these days. What I am trying to say is I believe is God doesn’t want us to spend our energy and efforts finding fault with our neighbors. He gets no thrill when bad fortune befalls the rich, for example. Judge not your neighbors, and love them all. Thee are no “thems,” only “us’s.”
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