Pilate said … “I find no basis for an accusation against this man.” But they were insistent and said, “he stirs up the people by teaching….” — Luke 23:4-5.
Wow, it seems that teaching was a far more dangerous profession in biblical days than today. And what did he teach? Love God and thy neighbor? Hardly a call for insurrection or a crime worthy of crucifixion. One has to wonder what would have happened if Jesus had advocated death to Caesar or raised an army of armed soldiers.
The injustice of Christ’s death sentence is a significant part of God’s story. One that should not be forgotten by Judges, prosecutors, and all of us. We see in Christ’s crucifixion man’s potential for gross injustice. Our justice system cannot be a vehicle to rid the world of people with whom we disagree or who simply “stirs up the people.”
Every year I feel a deep pain of guilt as I recite the words, “crucify him” during the Litany. Keeping silent at injustice or following a mob are not part of God’s plan for any of us.
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