As we rapidly approach 800 meditations online, its that time of year when my webmaster begs me to make an appeal for contributions. This year he’s been even more emphatic. The site needs maintenance and upgrades, and we have to prepare for the future which includes making my novel available for sale at a discount for Pew followers. We are also exploring compiling various meditations in book form. I have some other ideas, but my webmaster refuses until I at least ask for a little help.
We continue to avoid advertising and becoming a subscription based site, we want it free and available to all. So if you are inclined please consider a small contribution ($5, $10, $25, every bit helps) either by clicking on the contribute button or sending a check to:
The Hubbell Pew
820 East Kingston Ave.
Charlotte, N.C. 28203
Thank you and I really apologize for doing this. I feel like the local NPR station W.
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