As soon as we are with God in faith and love, we are in prayer. – Francois De La Mothe Fenelon
I have written often about calming oneself. Great athletes have individual styles and methods of calming before the crucial moment – a winning putt, a game-winning free throw, a tie-breaking penalty kick, etc. I bet you can visualize a moment where in a crucial moment you found an inner calm before you acted. One of the best ways to calm oneself is to pause and take a breath.
Those same athletes or experts on crisis will tell us that the best way to remain calm is never to put ourselves in the moment in the first place. Take work for example. If you could make up your mind never to undertake more work of any kind than you can carry on calmly, quietly, without hurry or bustle then you would avoid deadlines and mental trauma. However, I am not being realistic am I? However, in the instant you feel yourself nervous and like one out of breath, stop and take a deep breath, you will find this common sense solution does for you what tears, anxiety, and sweat could ever accomplish.
The same goes for our daily conversation with God. Before you begin; before you air your troubles, sins, and anxieties; take a deep breath and let God rest for a moment in your heart.
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