Gather up fragments left over, so nothing may be lost. — John 6:12.
There are several references in the New Testament about fragments and crumbs. Remember the woman talking about crumbs from thy table. Now Jesus wasn’t a hoarder. From all we know he walked with a robe, sandals, and perhaps a skin filled with water. His disciples are always portrayed begging for food, and Jesus never seemed to pass on an invitation to dine with sinners. So naturally he would be concerned about every scrap of food. But like so much about his words they also have a deeper meaning than a literal reading.
Perhaps when he is directing that the fragments be gathered he is talking about more than food. So many of us have been broken by life — dreams are smashed and hearts are broken. Very easily we can be left behind, part of life’s wreckage. But that isn’t God’s way.
God gathers us up, makes sure we are never lost, and makes us whole again.
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