What do we do when we see or hear of an injustice?
Everyone these days recognizes the injustice of slavery, the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition, etc., and I think most of us see injustices of different degrees of magnitude in current times. What we must ask ourselves when we see or hear of an injustice is what is our response. Speaking for myself I too often have not responded justifying my lack of response by telling myself it’s not my problem or there is nothing I can do about it. Even when I do something my response is half-hearted or less than it should be.
Injustice takes many forms and we should not limit our vision to defining injustice as something major. Domestic violence, a racial epitaph, or the mistreatment of a neighbor are also examples, but subtle injustices are equally wrong and harmful. Every injustice is our responsibility.
I recognize that I can’t do much about the mistreatment of women in a far away land, or major policy decisions by a cruel government, but I can recognize injustice and ask myself what can I do? In other words, I can do better. If I accept responsibility for injustice no telling what I might discover I am capable of doing.
Something to think and do about?
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