Editor’s note: Spending the night in Hot Springs on the Lake. I cannot begin to describe how peaceful it is. There is something about water that has a calming affect on the soul. I have always found retreating to a stream, lake, beach or pond relaxes every fiber of my being. Sounds like a good medition is coming soon. Here is one from 2002 slightly updated;
I wrote yesterday about being absent from God. Today, I want to finish that theme with a few more thoughts.
First, it was Duc de La Rouchefocould who said, ”
Absence diminishes minor passions and inflames great ones, as the wind
douses the candle and fans the fire.”
But is it God who absents us? ” you will
find stability at the moment when you discover that God is everywhere, that you
do not need to seek him elsewhere, that he is here, and if you do not find him
here it is useless to go and search for him elsewhere, it is not that he is
absent from us, it is we who are absent from him…. It is important because it
is only at the moment that you recognize that God is present in every situation
and every place, that you will be able to say ‘So then I shall stay where I
am.” – Anthony Bloom.
Thus how do we seek him out. Brother Lawrence in the
book The Practice of the Presence of God writes;
“ It is not necessary for being with God to be always at church. We may make an
oratory of our heart wherein to retire from time to time to converse with him
in meekness, humility and love. Everyone is capable of such familiar
conversation with God, some more, some less… Have courage.”
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