From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this ought not be so. — James 3:10. I have a frog in my throat. He needs to hop on out of there, but until he does maybe it’s a lesson to be learned. Words are powerful weapons which should be used to criticize and…
Turn again to your rest,… — Psalm 116:6. Last week was an exhausting week, in fact August was an exhausting month in many respects. I am looking forward to this Labor Day weekend. Football begins, grills firing up, and breath of cooler air. But most of all I look forward to some rest. Even God rested,…
Number 44
My friend and teammate “slipped away” today. He was a world class athlete, but a better friend. The Razorback world has much to mourn. At times like these I remember a poem that was read at another friend’s funeral. I bring it out too often these days. I hope it brings you comfort when you…
Why was the ointment wasted in this way? — Mark 14:4. The woman who entered Simon’s house emptied her precious ointment on Jesus’s head in an act of love. Were her actions extravagant? The other guests thought so. They asked why waste the ointment, why not sell it and give the proceeds to the poor.…
Empty The Bucket
I was fascinated by an editorial in yesterday’s Post called Why you should swap your bucket list for a chuck-it-list, by Valerie Tiberius. If you can access it I certainly recommend it to you. It dominated my thoughts yesterday especially since I sent it to my friend Robin who supplied me with several other resources on…