This weekend I read an article about the paradox of free will. I didn’t know such paradox existed so I did a little research and discovered: “The paradox of free will is a philosophical problem that has been debated for centuries. It arises from the apparent incompatibility of two seemingly contradictory propositions: Humans have free…

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I got another “spare part” yesterday. The first of two cataract surgeries. I am seeing much better today and look forward to the second part being installed in two weeks. I am very fortunate to receive new parts just when my old part is on its last leg. I’ve also received an abundance of good…

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There are four statements that lead to wisdom. Armand Ganache, Louise Penney novels. What are they, I hope you ask. — “I’m sorry, I was wrong. I don’t know, and I need your help.” I had a lot of coaches that went and practiced at the school of intimidation. But every now and then  I had…

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What the game brings you is in direct proportion to what you bring to the game. — Old coaching adage. I came across the above in a completely different context. t had nothing to do with sports. The author was talking about isolation. The saying generally means that the amount of enjoyment you get out…

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There is no person in this whole world who is a mistake, no matter how different that person may seem. — Mr. Rogers. Want to start off your day a little better? Read the following article about Mr. Rogers: I don’t suggest you read it to affect your political leanings. No, just remind you that…

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