So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given to you; — Luke 11:9. I suspect that this verse has been misinterpreted as much as any. Jesus is not saying that if you ask God for a million bucks, it will arrive on your doorstep. Jesus was encouraging us to start a dialogue…
Balm For The Soul
This morning as I write, I am listening to Byrd: “Gloria in Excelsis” from Mass for Five Voices. The announcer called it “Balm for the Soul.” It reminded me of a guest preacher at St. Johns who always gave the same sermon called “There is a balm in Gilead,” after the gospel hymn of the…
Feed The Hungry
We have a soup kitchen a little more than a block away from where we live. They serve lunch and provide fresh groceries twice a week to an ever-growing number of people. Several of my friends volunteer to cook and pass out food. Most of our neighborhood finds ways to support the kitchen. The kitchen…
Reading Aloud
And the scroll of the profit Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written. — Luke 4:17. At my daughter’s wedding, there were two readings, one a beautiful poem titled The Invitation and the other was from the Beatitudes. Hearing them read gave the words special meaning. Most religions…
Importance of Family
This weekend, Suzy and I attended our youngest daughter’s wedding. As you can imagine it was a special occasion attended by their friends and family. Not only did this event welcome Chris and his family to our unique family and vice versa, the wedding was attended by all my children, grandchildren, and my sister. This…