I was paid a nice compliment this week. I work with a physical therapist once a week for my arthritis. Recently, I have worked out at the same time with the same group. This Monday, I entered the room and one of the patients who is dealing with some serious disabilities said, “Good morning. I…

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But Jonah set out to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. — Jonah 1:3a. Jonah received a call from God, and his first reaction was to flee. I ask myself how many times has God called on me and i reacted by fleeing in some sense. I might pretend the call wasn’t…

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Sometimes the clothes don’t make the man. — Anon and song lyric. I expect the above applies to women as well. It’s an expression that emphasizes that outward appearances, don’t always tell the whole story. What is more important — to dress to the nines or be rich in spirit? I don’t think it was…

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Then pay attention to how you listen; for those who have, more will be given, and from those who do not have, even what they seem to have will be taken away. — Luke 8:18. The above verse is for me one of the most puzzling. It doesn’t seem fair that those who have a lot…

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On this day, the day of atonement, Jews around the world are to face their misdeeds and sins over the year through worship and prayer so that they may atone for their wrongdoings. With fear and wonder in facing God’s judgment, Jews seek forgiveness. In doing so, people are called to self-reflect on their failings…

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