Lord, let my ears be open to the cries of Justice — Book of Common Prayer. There are so many cries for justice these days it would be easy to close one’s ears. It would be easy to be cynical and say that “all people want is money, not justice.” Today’s prayer reminds us to keep…
Tag: Webb Hubbell
Wasting Time
I’m just sittin’ on the dock of the bay, Watchin’ the tide roll away, Sittin’ on the dock of the bay, wastin’ time. Michael Bolton, Sitting On the Dock Of the Bay. The above is one of my favorites, especially the version sung by Otis Redding. Since my days with my grandmother I’ve been accused of “wasting time.”…
Stirs The Pot
Pilate said … “I find no basis for an accusation against this man.” But they were insistent and said, “he stirs up the people by teaching….” — Luke 23:4-5. Wow, it seems that teaching was a far more dangerous profession in biblical days than today. And what did he teach? Love God and thy neighbor?…
Deserve Your Dream
Deserve your dream — Octavio Paz. In the movie Pretty Woman, a man wanders the streets shouting, “Its Hollywood, what’s your dream?” and in the movie Julie Roberts dream is fulfilled. I’m a big believer in dreams, not the sleep kind, but the aspirational kind. We should all have dreams. A little boy dreams of hitting a grand…
Jump Right In
This morning it came to me that in some ways life is like a swimming pool, pond, or lake. Maybe my thoughts had turned in that way because I’ve been going to the Y to swim lately. Working out in the water is much easier on my old joints. How do you enter the water?…