Don’t compromise your dream.
There is a spiritual journey before it comes a physical journey.
I have no idea the origin of the above. They may have come to me in a dream, but they both came to me this morning as I meditated on the week ahead. I believe, no matter our age or our current situation, that we all have wishes, dreams, and thoughts of adventure still ahead in our lives. It is in our nature perhaps originating in our soul. We all search for answers to who we are and what our place is in this world. We hope there is more than we know and see.
The answer is in our hearts.
Early man believed in the sun as a God, it acted in mysterious ways, it rose and set, it brought warmth and light. But as we began our spiritual journey our faiths are more complicated and complex. Whatever your faith – Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or any other — you are asked to believe in things that cannot be seen or felt like the sun. They all ask for faith. They ask that you believe in the impossible, and we do. And on that basis, we journey, we dream, and we seek.
Your journey may carry you around the world, into the outer reaches of space, deep into the ocean, or across the street. Your dreams may include a cure for cancer, the great American novel, world peace, or simply a warm bed and a hot meal. Whatever your dream or journey, no matter how many times we start and fail, tell yourself today I begin, today my spirit is ready, and today I begin with my heart.
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