Every time I return to Little Rock I end up for some reason at the intersection of I-630, Shackelford Road, Chenal Parkway, etc. It is always under repair, to put it mildly its a mess, a traffic nightmare, a disaster. I’ve been gone now from Little Rock for over twenty years, and one might think whatever they are doing would be complete by now. I bet wherever you live there is a place similar to this intersection in your city, state, or town, but I hope not for your sake.
Our lives are like the perpetual under construction highway. We are in constant need of repair of something or the other, or we need to clean up the mess of the last version of ourselves.
Sometimes we get so upset at the construction, how long it is taking, and the obstacles set in our way that we forget why we are trying to get somewhere in the first place. Once, I get past the Shackleford intersection I have clear sailing to be with my sister, or my friends, or to visit a special place in my past.
Once we get past the obstacles placed in our way by the needed repairs of our heart, the destination is more than worth the inconvenience. Always set your sights on the destination, not on the barriers to getting there.
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