No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under the bed, but puts it on a lamp stand, so that those who enter may see the light. — Luke 8:16.
You’ve heard the expression: “he/she lights up the room when he/she enters.” I bet you know people like that. I certainly do. However, we don’t all have that gift. I’m more inclined to enter a crowded room and head to a corner, at least until I can scope out who is there and find a friendly face.
God’s message to us is not about being the most popular person in the room, but to have enough confidence in ourselves to be who we are. We all have light and insight and we shouldn’t hide it under the bed. As we all put forth different lights, so are people drawn to different lights.
God created each of us with unique skills, insights, and viewpoints. Don’t hide his work under a jar, but put yourself on the lamp stand, so that others may see your unique and special light.
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