Non Cooperation With Evil Is a Duty

Non cooperation with evil is much a duty as cooperation with good. — Gandhi.

Gandhi’s non-cooperation and civil disobedience won India its freedom from Great Britain, and his words and actions won him world wide acclamation. I have been a big fan for years and have and read several biographies. I am drawn to his humility and simplicity.

For him evil was black and white, or at least with hindsight it appears that way. For most, evil is not so clear most of the time. I don’t think England or its leaders thought they were evil in their domination over the Indian people. I just watched the old musical 1776. Our founding fathers were divided as to whether slavery was evil or not, and ultimately dodged the issue in order to unite against what they considered to be a greater tyranny — the rule of the British King over the colonies.

Gandhi was imprisoned for his words and beliefs that war was a greater evil than Hitler. Most of us in the US and in Europe revere Winston Churchill, but the same can’t be said of him in India and Pakistan. When we personify, evil becomes cloudy at times.

I am interested in your views on the subject, but I think, pray, and meditate on the issue. I am troubled by my sometimes off the top reactions to what I see and think is wrong.

What sets Gandhi in a different category is his reaction to evil. His non-cooperation included non-violence — no in your face shouting, no rock or bomb throwing, and inclusion rather than exclusion. He proved that strikes, fasting, and other forms of non-cooperation were more effective weapons against tyranny than arms.

Gandhi was not without faults, as are other great civil leaders who advocate non-violence such as Dr. King. We are all common in our lack of perfection, but I wonder if it isn’t time for someone like Gandhi once again in our fractured world — a humble man or woman who can unite us all with words of love and commonality.

What do you think?


About the author

Webb Hubbell is the former Associate Attorney General of The United States. His novels, When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, A Game of Inches, The Eighteenth Green, and The East End are published by Beaufort Books and are available online or at your local bookstore. When Men Betray won one of the IndieFab awards for best novel in 2014. Ginger Snaps and The Eighteenth Green won the IPPY Awards Gold Medal for best suspense/thriller. His latest, “Light of Day” will be on the bookstands soon.


  1. I certainly hope so, Webb. But, I wonder if a Gandhi, Dr. King or Mandela could have the same impact today. There are so many things going on in just the US that I never thought I would see, including our President. Our country is so divided and opinioned. I have lost friends over this and they are intelligent and educated. But, they are not well travelled and have never been exposed to highly educated people of color. We live in much different worlds. Both political parties have failed us in many ways. The US and the world have changed. It is never going to be the way it was in the 50’s and 60’s. Ozzie and Harriet and Leave it to Beaver are gone. World trade is is complicated and not based on just finished goods. Young people need to be trained for jobs of the future as the old ones aren’t coming back. We are a nation of have and have nots, with income disparity being a big problem. We need women and men who can do the right thing for the country and not worry about being re-elected. The evil of yesterday is still the evil of today, but it’s just packaged differently. Amen!

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