I’ve been in a car five days out of the last twelve so my body looked forward to this morning’s session with my yoga master. While she stretched and pulled my muscles to reintroduce them to the rest of my body and put them back into their rightful places, I thought to myself how do I reintroduce myself to the real world.
The answer is not to dive right in, or I’m likely to do permanent damage. Instead I must slow down and first listen to what the real world has to say to me. I say if I were a listening coach, what would I tell my pupil?
I would say find a comfortable place with a beverage of your choice and listen to what your mind has to say for as long as it takes, but not to rush the exercise. Listen to what is making you most anxious as you do nothing. Those anxious thoughts tell you what needs addressing or needs to be put aside. Listen to what connections pop into your mind and speak to you. All beings are connected through the ether of life, if someone needs you will hear their call if you listen hard and long enough.
I heartily recommend that you concentrate on listening to the gaps, the pauses, and the blanks when they appear. Great composers say that its in the pauses that magical music is found. For an author what is not said in a story can be more important than what is said. The same goes for painters and other artists.
Listen to the silence as long as you possible can. What you hear will truly amaze.
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