You will save a lowly people, but you will humble the haughty eyes. — Psalm 18:28. The psalm, in essence, is a celebration of God’s power and grace. It paints a picture of God as a protector and deliverer, especially for those who are humble or lowly. The phrase “You will humble the haughty eyes” implies…
Bonds of Love
My daughter just took her daughter off to college. Parents have when they take their children to college — faith. Faith that across the developmental stages of individuation and separation, some unbroken bond of love will remain. In most cases, that bond not only remains but grows. The idea that separation can strengthen relationships is…
Walk In Step
David’s proclamation, “…I called to God, and the Lord rescued me,” resonates deeply with my own experiences. In the darkest days of my unbelief, I too sought solace in my own strength, only to find myself sinking deeper into despair. It was not until I turned to God, crying out in fear, that a path…
Living In Fear
Living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. — Acts 9:31b. Here we go again talking about fearing God. Maybe, I need to do little work beginning with the passage’s context. Acts 9:31b states, “And he [Saul, now known as Paul] lived in Jerusalem, moving about freely, and…
Who We Are
Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love. — Kepler. Kepler’s observation is often used as a cautionary tale against unhealthy relationships. However, it can also be interpreted as a powerful invitation to self-reflection and appreciation for the people and things that have shaped our lives. While it’s essential to…