The rehab hospital where I go is brand new and state-of–the-art. It is full of patients who are learning to walk again, using their upper body, and overcoming loss of mental faculties due to strokes. Many are confined to wheel chairs or using walkers. I was confined for a short period of time and have…

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Work is what we do by the hour. It begins and ends at a specific time and, if possible, we do it for money. Welding car bodies on an assembly line is work; washing dishes, computing taxes, walking the rounds in a psychiatric ward, picking asparagus — these are work. Labor, on the other hand,…

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I can’t get inside anybodies head. I can surmise, I can guess, and I can think I know what they were thinking, but I don’t really know. I wonder what the officers in Memphis were thinking when they beat up a young man. I wonder what public officials are thinking when they ignore the will…

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Suzy might come home from  the grocery and say, “I ran into ‘Jane Doe’ but at first I didn’t recognize her.” I certainly have encountered and old friend, but wouldn’t recognize him or her because the encounter is out of context. For example, a  work associate may not be recognized at first when we run…

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They asked only one thing, that we remember the poor…. Galations 2:10. Poor to some is a relative term. Does it mean you don’t have a place to sleep, food to eat, money to cloth yourself or your family, etc? My suspicion is this bible verse’s definition is very broad and meant to include more and those…

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