We have an idea, we have a concept, we have a project. We believe in ourselves and begin, and we are immediately met with resistance, forces opposing what we want to do or accomplish. The more we try the more resistance we encounter. Sound familiar? I can certainly relate. What is my solution.I need to go to the YMCA for a life lesson.
Every machine, every piece of equipment, even the pool is designed or built in a way that the muscles of the body meet resistance. The very principle of muscle development is found in overcoming inertia. This is equally true of intellectual development, and yes, spiritual development. We discover that the same law applies along all planes of life. All life demands expression, and there is no expression possible without resistance. What we call “trials of life” are simply there for that purpose.
One of my mentors, Dr. Harry Royson, a psychologist, nutritionist and physical therapist, referred to his weightlifting program as “progressive resistance.” A very positive adjective, reminding us that the exercise is moving us forward.