The earth, o Lord, is full of your Love. — Psalm 119:64a. The outpouring of emotion, affection, and love for Queen Elizabeth II is not surprising. There were times she wasn’t so popular or free from criticism, but she found ways to universal endearment. The psalmist reminds us that despite those who are/or use hate and…
The End Is a New Beginning
To make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. — Chief Inspector Morse. Since Covid, Suzy and I have become even bigger fans of British mysteries. Morse and Endeavor are two of our favorites. Toward the end of the Morse series, the protagonist says the above to his doctor. Many of us who…
Close Encounters Of the Best Kind
I heard from our Sufi master, Tom, the other day. He had attended a funeral of a dear friend. When they first met, Tom’s friend was a brilliant but angry black man. Tom’s work put them together, and at this man’s funeral Tom learned that his friend had told his wife, ““I don’t hate whites…
God Knows
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. — John 10:14. Lord, you have searched me out and known me. — Psalm 139: 1a. Two passages, same theme. God knows us, probably better than we know ourselves. We go through life searching for who we are. We meditate, we explore various ways…
Soul of America
My daughter has a remarkable good friend. Every year she goes to Africa to help the people of an impoverished and war-torn country provide water to a vast majority of its citizens. She returns every year with heartbreaking and heartwarming stories. She and her fellow volunteers are walking examples of “Good Samaritans.” She represents what…