This Lenten season has been frustrating for me. My arthritis has caused me to write with only one hand (really one finger.) and not devote the time to writing the Pew like I planned. However no excuses. My mind has been active and more than once I wished I could transcribe my thoughts and concerns.…
The Mindful Way
A dear friend suggested I write about mindfulness. He said words to the effect that if we aren’t mindful we are nothing better than zombies. I filed his suggestion away and last Sunday I decided to engage in an experiment. Since I am still dealing with arthritis in may wrist and can only type with…
A Few Crumbs
Then he said to her, “For saying that, you may go — the demon has left your daughter.” — Mark 7:29. Before curing the gentile’s daughter Jesus had refused to help. He was tired and needed rest. But he changed his mind after the woman uttered one of the most famous lines in history — “even…
Prayers For Peace
This Lent, I am using up a lot of my prayer time on peace in the Ukraine and the people of the Ukraine and Russia. I don’t understand the “Why.” Then again history records a lot of wars where the “why” is lost. It would be funny if war wasn’t so horrible, to listen to…