Now we in the Carolinas start the long recovery from Hurricane Florence, I’m reminded that it’s not just human life that is fragile, but our planet is fragile and ever changing. For weeks, we went through through the long process of waiting for a turtle named Florence to attack and all the time copying with…

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During my morning meditation I had a weird thought. (Many of you probably think I have lots of weird thoughts.) Maybe Adam and Eve weren’t expelled from the garden of eden, but the garden was actually expanded to include the entire earth, and we as humans were charged to keep, till, and nurture God’s creation?…

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Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. — Genesis 3:1 Ever wonder what a serpent was doing in the Garden in the first place? Any one who knows me understands that snakes are not my favorite of God’s creatures, and yes I bypass the snake house…

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