Philip said to him,”Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” — John 14:8. How often have you witnessed a tragedy or horrible event and wondered, “Where is God in all this?” Maturity has taught me to find him in the hearts of those who always show up in those horrific times, the volunteers,…

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This morning was a random meditation based on on the question, how do I live a life of cohesion and beauty when life is full of brokenness and pain? How did I get there this morning? I read about the shooting in Texas, how does a request for someone to quiet down so one’s baby…

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Put out into the deep water. — Luke 5:4b. The phrase “put out into deep water” can have a number of meanings, depending on the context. In general, it means to venture into unfamiliar or uncharted territory. When Jesus tells Peter to “put out into deep water,” he is calling him to leave behind his old…

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I read recently the following: “curiosity and astonishment become an antidote to the spiritual poison most corrosive to the world — cynicism, that supreme enemy of hope. At any stage of life, the refusal to succumb to cynicism is among our greatest triumphs of the spirit. It is certainly our mightiest force of courage and…

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Speaking the truth in love. — Ephesians 4:15. Speaking the truth is hard enough. We often avoid the truth because we wish to do no harm, or we worry what others might think about us, but regardless of our motive we are not true to ourselves is untruths fall out of our mouth. What me must do,…

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